Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Disappointment to a noble soul
is what cold water is to burning metal.
It strengthens, tempers, intensifies,
but never destroys it.

- Unknown

Saturday, 19 November 2016

When everyone gets what they want

"I just thought of what I want on that magical day when everyone gets what they want", I said, "I want me. I want me solid and steady and clearly defined; living inside my own skin.  I want me. Whatever I am. Whatever I turn out to be."

-The Cracker Factory
Joyce Rebeta-Burditt

Wednesday, 16 November 2016


The door to God is the uncertainty of not knowing anything.  Bear the grace of that uncertainty with knowledge of the character and promises of God & you can bear anything this life may bring.  
Know Him!  

Friday, 11 November 2016

People today

Melancholy Grapefruits
talking sourly to the Lemons
Of the Avocado's clear contempt
for the Prunes.

The Pears and Apples debated
briefly on the Banana's point
of view, that the Tomatoes and
Onions shouldn't be let loose...

Thursday, 10 November 2016

If I loved you

If you need me to cry
a thousand oceans
to sail you home
I will mourn

If you need me to oversee
your weary brow
to supply you strength
I will be strong

If you want me to follow
you over summer fields
Be sure that I will run
I will be there

If you need me to remember
I'll give my memory
Of all our love, our path
I will, I can't forget

If you need to find your way
Let me be your light
Your beacon, the safe place
The lighthouse
I will be home.

But if you need to go
I won't keep you from flying
I'll supply the wings
And the wind to carry you.

If I loved you.
Like I do.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Cherished things

To this day,
and I think, forever beyond...
Riding the bus
will remain one of my most cherished things 
Only because
it brings back
memories of you.