Friday 30 October 2015


All things, to their created nature,  must rest once in a while.   
So rest.  
Forget the world, forget your cares, your worries, rest a bit.  
Put aside your normal routine, your rythms, your ways.  
Rest just a little.  
Be still, quiet down and listen to your silence.  
See what comes.  
See Who speaks to you.  
Can you?  
Or are you the noise in this world? 


On Time...

"Now, thieving Time, take what you must..
Yet leave, O exempt from plunder
My curiosity, my wonder!"

- Mark Anthony de Wolfe Howe
Thieving Time

Thursday 29 October 2015


When I first came here, I did not see anything.  The land looked bleak, desolate and dead.  The sea a dreary misty grey and it was cold.  What on earth did I get myself into?  I have always loved nature and it's greenery - the trees, the grass, the endless splendour of various blooming flowers and their invoking fragrances.  I loved the rain on a tin roof, heavy thunderstorms and lightning strikes.  The smell of earth just after the rain; no better smell in the world.  A world of sunshine and warm weather...

Then, I moved here.  Where there is nothing. Where there are only a few trees. Where it never rains.  Not even a little love shower.   All I saw was sand, rocks and a miserable grey sea.  

But now, I see...
And my heart will never be the same again as I have seen beauty beyond compare.
Right here in this nothingness.

Of sand and sky and sea

I live by the sea. In the desert. Under an endless sky where sand dunes reign.  Where the long roads stretch to nowhere and beyond. The nowhere of ethereal beauty and absolute wonder.  People say God made this country in anger because of it's huge contrasts and extreme contours.  God's anger is spectacular, for the country is beautiful.  Every fibre of my being has fallen in love with it.  Totally wholly and completely...  

I don't always have many words, but my photographs can speak for themselves.  And even if my memory fades one day, or perhaps I get stuck in busy grey rainy days, I can look back on this journey and remember where my soul resides.