Thursday 4 August 2016

Surviving the dark

My goodness!  It seems I've survived a very dark period back in 2003.  Some heavy stuff here from my agonized soul:
Close your eyes
Take a deep breath
If you can still breathe
Find it there
The old hollow me...
A shuddered heartbeat
Knocking the bones
Pumping dark tears
All through my soul
Your voice in my head
Supposed to be warm
Brings coldness forth
Your intent, a storm
Swallowing me
Spitting me up
Rejecting me...

Paging through memories

I have kept memories, notes and poems since I was a teenager.  Today I came across this one from 2003 - my dark period.  I'm so happy to have found the Light and a place where my soul is free:

Able bodied witch am I
Knowing just the way of sly.
Spewing hurt and fear, I fly
off the handle but I'm running dry...

I'm fiery anger, bursting forth
from your mouth - wipe the froth...
I'm spitting poison from the tongue.
All about, oh, the lies I flung

Abusing, distorting truth - my best tools
And you, dear mortals, are the fools
A well of bitter inside me dwell
We all together in this same hell

Death be the only escape from me
Yes inside me devils roam free
Dulls my senses, numbs my heart
And all good for nothing but piercing dart...