Thursday, 29 September 2016


We don't remember everything.  All we have, in memory, are our own subjective accounts of fleeting surreal moments in circumstance that we attach meaning to.  "Memory" then, is not a "true" account of what took place in reality.

What is real then?

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Soothe me

I keep on forgetting
Please tell me again
I need to hear it
Just one more time

It keeps slipping
away from my mind
It's your voice in the wind
Your cry in the sigh
I know it, that's true
But I need to hear it
From you
I keep on forgetting
So say it again

Please say it
Until I believe it again.

Not the place for a eulogy, but here it is

Time went by.  We changed, I changed.  Things change.  
That's what I like to tell myself.  
But I loved you.  I think I did.
You were such a big part of my life then.
I loved the way you made me feel.
Your words were like strands holding me up
When I wanted to fall
Never did I feel that before.
You helped me through so much.
You told me you loved me.
And I believed you did.

But love was not ours.
We both knew.  I think.
There was a forever promise before God.
It was never meant to be and that was okay.
Love is not always meant to be.
It felt cruel in the end.
If I hurt you, I'm sorry.
But I know you were where you were meant to be
In the end.

So many times I wanted to call.
But was afraid of the stirring it might awaken.
So I let it sleep
But you played in my mind in time lost.
Now forgotten.

I like to think that you really loved me too
That "love" was borne in empathy for another soul,
Hurting with a cry that only you could hear.
Only you responded to the murmur.
For this, my soul thanks you.

I am so moved by your passing.
Somehow, I don't have words to adequately express
my gratitude.

I carry you with me in my scars, memories.
Time cannot take that.
Parts I've forgotten, parts I remember
You were a beacon, a light
in my time of trouble.

I will always remember.