Friday 28 October 2016

Act justly. Walk humbly. Love mercy.

Why I won't crumble,
even in the face of dire uncertainty.

I serve the Lord of lords, King of kings
An awesome Almighty God whose promises are true,
and whose Word is forever love.

A God I can trust no matter what life throws at me.
I shall not be moved, He is my rock
He saves, He rescues
He can move times, people, places, opportunities.
He promises to fight for me, I need only be still.
Nothing is impossible for God.
He cares for all mankind and bends His ear to His children. 
He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
He is providence.
He will sustain me.
He gives peace.
He gives his Holy Spirit as guide and comforter for His own.
He always answers the sincere prayers of His people.
He promises to give hope, and a future.
He promises to make your paths straight.
His will is perfect.
He has my name engraved on the palms of His hands
I am His.
He promises that I will never be alone and that I do not have to fear.
He will never leave, never forsake me.
I believe Him.
He promises to give eternal life.
He is coming for His children soon.
He is the Creator of Heaven and earth.
He is love.
All He asks?

Act justly,
Walk humbly,
Love mercy.

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