Thursday, 8 December 2016

Times of trial

In times of trial, doubt and uncertainty, we need to run towards God, not away.  May your faith forever increase and your fear wash away.

Make sure you are still living in the present, not an uncertain future.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Every step I take

I'm hoping to walk away from this desert
with the strength to not fall apart
and not to look back.

But I'm afraid that with every step I take,
it takes me further away from my heart
and soul...

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Disappointment to a noble soul
is what cold water is to burning metal.
It strengthens, tempers, intensifies,
but never destroys it.

- Unknown

Saturday, 19 November 2016

When everyone gets what they want

"I just thought of what I want on that magical day when everyone gets what they want", I said, "I want me. I want me solid and steady and clearly defined; living inside my own skin.  I want me. Whatever I am. Whatever I turn out to be."

-The Cracker Factory
Joyce Rebeta-Burditt

Wednesday, 16 November 2016


The door to God is the uncertainty of not knowing anything.  Bear the grace of that uncertainty with knowledge of the character and promises of God & you can bear anything this life may bring.  
Know Him!  

Friday, 11 November 2016

People today

Melancholy Grapefruits
talking sourly to the Lemons
Of the Avocado's clear contempt
for the Prunes.

The Pears and Apples debated
briefly on the Banana's point
of view, that the Tomatoes and
Onions shouldn't be let loose...

Thursday, 10 November 2016

If I loved you

If you need me to cry
a thousand oceans
to sail you home
I will mourn

If you need me to oversee
your weary brow
to supply you strength
I will be strong

If you want me to follow
you over summer fields
Be sure that I will run
I will be there

If you need me to remember
I'll give my memory
Of all our love, our path
I will, I can't forget

If you need to find your way
Let me be your light
Your beacon, the safe place
The lighthouse
I will be home.

But if you need to go
I won't keep you from flying
I'll supply the wings
And the wind to carry you.

If I loved you.
Like I do.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Cherished things

To this day,
and I think, forever beyond...
Riding the bus
will remain one of my most cherished things 
Only because
it brings back
memories of you.

Sunday, 30 October 2016


Even wild things
sit in absolute
and total reverence
for the fading
of a day.

-Tyler Knott Gregson

Friday, 28 October 2016

Act justly. Walk humbly. Love mercy.

Why I won't crumble,
even in the face of dire uncertainty.

I serve the Lord of lords, King of kings
An awesome Almighty God whose promises are true,
and whose Word is forever love.

A God I can trust no matter what life throws at me.
I shall not be moved, He is my rock
He saves, He rescues
He can move times, people, places, opportunities.
He promises to fight for me, I need only be still.
Nothing is impossible for God.
He cares for all mankind and bends His ear to His children. 
He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
He is providence.
He will sustain me.
He gives peace.
He gives his Holy Spirit as guide and comforter for His own.
He always answers the sincere prayers of His people.
He promises to give hope, and a future.
He promises to make your paths straight.
His will is perfect.
He has my name engraved on the palms of His hands
I am His.
He promises that I will never be alone and that I do not have to fear.
He will never leave, never forsake me.
I believe Him.
He promises to give eternal life.
He is coming for His children soon.
He is the Creator of Heaven and earth.
He is love.
All He asks?

Act justly,
Walk humbly,
Love mercy.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

When sadness comes

When Sadness comes,
I hope it only stays for a while
That it won't become a companion
But will be just a quiet presence
in the corner that lingers a bit
and quietly leaves...

When Sadness comes,
please let it be
without the mess of emotions it brings
without waves of regret, rage, weeping, despair
Let it just be a tiny soft sorrow
A mumbled murmur that does not disturb the surface
And does not seep into my soul.
Give me dignity to carry the cross
we all have.

When sadness comes,
Let it only wash over me like an ocean tide
that has to come
but has to go again too.
Let not the sea be rough
and let the waves break gently.
Let me be still...

For Sadness is part of life here on earth
And I pray it be gentle with us
That it caresses, but not consumes

Let sadness be.
Sadness; a reminder that life 
was not meant to be like this on earth.
And when sadness visits,
let it bring Hope as well
For Hope will stay
When Sadness goes.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Night thoughts

Hollow hollow hollow
The echo makes its sound
Bouncing off the scarlet walls
Blacking, bruising against flesh
But nothing's there
It's dark as night
And eerily very still...

It's the quietness
of darkness,
The cavern of nothingness
The lack of light
and feeling;
That gets her every time.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

All we are

"Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see

Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind..."

- Kansas
Dust in the wind

Tuesday, 4 October 2016


If I had to write a story today about my life.  What would it say?  

I don't want my story to be about fighting my inner demons. Aren't we all doing that?  Everyone is fighting a battle.  Why would mine be special? Or more pronounced than yours? We're all fighting fierce battles within ourselves that no one really knows. And frankly no one cares.  There is much wisdom to be found in the old saying "Do not judge others until you have walked two moons in their moccasins."  No, you won't find me there; of inner demons I won't tell.

I don't want the story to be about loneliness either.  Fundamentally, we are all lonely.  We're all lonely in the sense that we were not created to live life like we do in this century.  Like this; fast-paced, meaningless, in search of more, more, more.  Yet, we are lacking meaningful connections to others.  Texting have become the new intimacy. Emojis our emotions.  We are cold, aloof, distant.  We don't belong.  I know this world is not our true home and nothing in it can curb our deepest loneliness.  Our souls do not belong on this earth.  One of our biggest needs as human beings is the need to belong.  Yet we will never find it on this planet.  Still we look for it.  Constantly, relentlessly, tirelessly.  We give ourselves over to unsatisfying relationships, unfulfilling marriages, peer pressure and more; all because we feel the need to belong.  As if it will fill our loneliness.  There is a void in all of us, a deep dark lonely void that only the One who created us can truly and meaningfully fill.  So forget loneliness, it's nothing special and I won't let it define me.  I will be lonely until I die.

I don't want my story to be about being and feeling depressed, however illogical it may appear if you consider how incredibly blessed I am.  I lead a truly charming life and I have freedoms most people dream of.  I am not ungrateful.  But I am sad.  Anxious.  Most days even I don't get why I feel this way, constantly, when there is no reason for it. No logic, no sense.  And yet it remains, like fog, long after the sun has risen.  It tells me that I have no purpose, no meaning, no worth.  Sometimes, I believe it.  You get so tired of fighting.  But that's not what I'm trying to say.  And that's besides the point and not the story I want to tell about me.

Let's not make this story about fear too, even if it consumes my being.  A constant, nagging, gnawing doubt that erodes my resolve for strength and courage.  I live in constant uncertainty and stress, anxious about everything and not wanting to care, yet caring too much.  So much that I cannot help but be anything but, anxious.  A true paradox.  A worrier when I want to be a warrior...  So you turn numb.  But even in the draft, a small little light refuses to go out.  This I nurture.

I nurture the hope of finding You:  
"You will seek Me and find Me
when you seek Me with ALL your heart"
Jeremiah 29:13

I nurture the hope of finding peace with You:
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding
shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"
Phillipians 4:7

I nurture my hope in You:  
"May the God of hope
fill you with all joy and peace in believing
that you may abound in hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit
Romans 15:13

I nurture unfailing Faith:
"Walk by faith,
not by sight."
2 Corinthians 5:7

In all these things, I know this for sure:
"You chose me
You wanted me
You appointed me
You set me where I am."
John 15:16

Can this be my story?  Lord, have mercy on my soul.

Thursday, 29 September 2016


We don't remember everything.  All we have, in memory, are our own subjective accounts of fleeting surreal moments in circumstance that we attach meaning to.  "Memory" then, is not a "true" account of what took place in reality.

What is real then?

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Soothe me

I keep on forgetting
Please tell me again
I need to hear it
Just one more time

It keeps slipping
away from my mind
It's your voice in the wind
Your cry in the sigh
I know it, that's true
But I need to hear it
From you
I keep on forgetting
So say it again

Please say it
Until I believe it again.

Not the place for a eulogy, but here it is

Time went by.  We changed, I changed.  Things change.  
That's what I like to tell myself.  
But I loved you.  I think I did.
You were such a big part of my life then.
I loved the way you made me feel.
Your words were like strands holding me up
When I wanted to fall
Never did I feel that before.
You helped me through so much.
You told me you loved me.
And I believed you did.

But love was not ours.
We both knew.  I think.
There was a forever promise before God.
It was never meant to be and that was okay.
Love is not always meant to be.
It felt cruel in the end.
If I hurt you, I'm sorry.
But I know you were where you were meant to be
In the end.

So many times I wanted to call.
But was afraid of the stirring it might awaken.
So I let it sleep
But you played in my mind in time lost.
Now forgotten.

I like to think that you really loved me too
That "love" was borne in empathy for another soul,
Hurting with a cry that only you could hear.
Only you responded to the murmur.
For this, my soul thanks you.

I am so moved by your passing.
Somehow, I don't have words to adequately express
my gratitude.

I carry you with me in my scars, memories.
Time cannot take that.
Parts I've forgotten, parts I remember
You were a beacon, a light
in my time of trouble.

I will always remember.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Surviving the dark

My goodness!  It seems I've survived a very dark period back in 2003.  Some heavy stuff here from my agonized soul:
Close your eyes
Take a deep breath
If you can still breathe
Find it there
The old hollow me...
A shuddered heartbeat
Knocking the bones
Pumping dark tears
All through my soul
Your voice in my head
Supposed to be warm
Brings coldness forth
Your intent, a storm
Swallowing me
Spitting me up
Rejecting me...

Paging through memories

I have kept memories, notes and poems since I was a teenager.  Today I came across this one from 2003 - my dark period.  I'm so happy to have found the Light and a place where my soul is free:

Able bodied witch am I
Knowing just the way of sly.
Spewing hurt and fear, I fly
off the handle but I'm running dry...

I'm fiery anger, bursting forth
from your mouth - wipe the froth...
I'm spitting poison from the tongue.
All about, oh, the lies I flung

Abusing, distorting truth - my best tools
And you, dear mortals, are the fools
A well of bitter inside me dwell
We all together in this same hell

Death be the only escape from me
Yes inside me devils roam free
Dulls my senses, numbs my heart
And all good for nothing but piercing dart...

Tuesday, 26 July 2016


I am a beautiful mess.
Living a lightning storm
in a dry desert spell.

I wish I had
more of my ducks in a row
Or rather, my zebras aligned.

No longer do I wish
to be a wave 
tossed and thrown about
by the sea
only to wreck myself on the rocks.

There's a better way - 
the way of being quiet 
and still
and knowing...

Ps. 46:10 KJV

Friday, 22 July 2016


you just have to take life by the horns
and get on with it
no worries, no fear
no feelings - 
keep soldiering on.

As long as there is life
there is fuel to fight
and hopefully
at the end
a little
rest for the weary.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

That quiets the soul

Sitting, barefoot
armed only with camera 
and eyes that scan,
the beauty of things
that quiets the soul.

Let me out of the noise
my own head makes...

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Whispers from the sea - for CM

Be SHORE of yourself
Come out of your SHELL
Take time to relax and COAST
Avoid PIER pressure
SEA life's beauty
Don't get TIDE down
Make a wish upon a STARFISH 
Put the lime in the coconut
and remember:

Drinking rum before 10AM makes you a PIRATE,
not an alcoholic... ;-)

Sunday, 29 May 2016


"Could I walk out to sea,
way beyond these breakers
We have no place among
the movers and the shakers

Yours is the only throne
I'll ever get down on my knees before

You have the whole of me..."

- Tree 63
A million lights

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


It's in the discontented
just before sleep.
When heightened senses
lets you feel
the beat of your heart
pulsing through your veins
oxygen - bubbling, racing through blood
essentially piquing 
the interest of 
every nerve
every cell
every fibre
and every fagment 
of your being;
always alive, always aware
But never lets you feel your soul...

Thursday, 28 April 2016

The rhythm of my soul

Oh, to find the rhythm of my soul again
In Your words, In Your care
Under Your wings
Everything You created have rhythm and time
The restless sea, crashing waves
The waxing waning moon, deliriously moving through time
If time exists
The relentless wind
Day, night, midnight, noon
Our ins and outs.

Somehow, through all this confusion
The pounding of the world
The signals of noise and distractions
And business
Through fear
All that fear
I lost mine
Oh, to find the rhythm of my soul again
In Your will
Your way, Lord.

Less of me, more of You.

Friday, 15 April 2016

When words cannot convey your loneliness...

When being still is no longer a comfort
And being busy not a distraction
When all life seems just one long aching yearning
Of times had and a home not seen.

Then, be stiller still and know...

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


"Sometimes, when one is moving silently through such an utterly desolate landscape, an overwhelming hallucination can make one feel that oneself, as an individual human being, is slowly being unraveled.  The surrounding space is so vast that it becomes increasingly difficult to keep a balanced grip on one's own being.  The mind swells out to fill the entire landscape, becoming so diffuse in the process that one loses the ability to keep it fastened to the physical self."

Haruki Murakami 
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Monday, 8 February 2016


Don't let your fears win.
Don't overthink things.
Don't lose hope.
Don't let the world diminish you.
Don't forget to make memories.
Don't forget to give of your soul.
Don't judge.
Don't criticize what you don't understand.
Don't be afraid to start over.
Don't let someone else create your world. It will always be too small.
Don't let the opinion of others consume you.
Don't settle for mediocre.
Don't look at the exterior. A poor coat can hide a rich heart.
Don't give up.
Don't sell out.
Don't do anything today that will darken tomorrow.
Don't take everything so seriously.
Don't expect mangoes when you plant papayas.

Friday, 5 February 2016

The Echo of a Soul

"Let me be a free man.
Free to travel,
Free to stop.
Free to work,
Free to trade where I choose.
Free to choose my own teachers,
Free to follow the religion of my fathers,
Free to talk, think and act for myself,
And I will obey every law or submit to the penalty."

- Chief Joseph

Thursday, 4 February 2016


"I left... Crossing the street I was hit head-on by a brutal loneliness.  I felt dark and hollow. Abandoned, unnoticed, forgotten, I stood on the sidewalk, a nothing, a gatherer of dust.  People hurried past me and everyone who walked by was happier than I.  I felt the old envy.  I would've given anything to be one of them."

- Nicole Krauss
The History of Love

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Something throbs, and gleams...

"I have always loved the desert. One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing. Yet through the silence something throbs, and gleams..."

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Little Prince

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Pelican Limerick

"A wonderful bird is the Pelican,
His beak can hold more than his belly can.
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week!
But I'll be darned if I know how the hellican?"

- Dixon Lanier Merrit
c. 1912

Tuesday, 26 January 2016


"The desert and the ocean are realms of desolation on the surface.

The desert is a place of bones, where the innards are turned out, to dessicate into dust.

The ocean is a place of skin, rich outer membranes hiding thick juicy insides, laden with the soup of being.

Inside out and outside in. These are worlds of things that implode or explode, and the only catalyst that determines the direction of eco-movement is the balance of water.

Both worlds are deceptive, dangerous. Both, seething with hidden life.

The only veil that stands between perception of what is underneath the desolate surface is your courage.

Dare to breach the surface and sink." 

- Vera Nazarian 
The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration


"I may be going nowhere, but what a ride."

- Shaun Hick

The voice of the salt

" I shivered in those solitudes
when I heard the voice of the salt
in the desert."

- Pablo Neruda

Monday, 25 January 2016


Distance seem so little
when someone means so much.

You know who you are...  This one's for you.